Unleashing the Poet

 Both my sons spent year nine at school in the Victorian high country. In fact, my youngest son is there right now.

This is mountain country with towering gum trees and vistas of mountains that go on forever. The eucalypts give the view a blue hue. I love this part of my state and always breathe more slowly and deeply here.

It’s hot in summer and it snows in winter. Right now there is OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
snow and Boy Wonder is enjoying ski-ing. He’s downhill skied for years but recently he  was very challenging to keep his balance especially as his pack “had more bacon in it than water.”  🙂 Boys have to eat!went on a winter expedition and had to cross-country ski with a hike pack on his back. He said it

Boy Wonder has always been a very descriptive writer but in the shadow of his extrovert older brother who wrote songs and poems, he tended to take a back seat.

Whether it’s the environment he’s living in or the fact he’s just turned 15 but the poet has busted out of him. He’s written quite a few for the school newsletter and this one came the other day and I had a proud mother moment so I thought I would share.

It was a cold day and he was on a long run well below the snow line when it started to snow.


As you’re running through the single tracks, upside of the school,  there’s one thing that you don’t expect to see.

In amongst the grass and logs, its silver crystals cool, in patches, sitting underneath a tree.

As blood is pumping through you veins, your body starts to sting,  it’s hard to understand how it can be,

So cold and yet so hot at once, to keep this blissful thing, from melting down to something we can’t see.

This wonderful and peaceful scene, so beautiful and light,

Is such a sight to see while on a run,

It make the pain and anguish better, worth it for the sight, of snowy patches glistening in the sun.


Did you have a poetry phase when you were a teen?

Spring in the High Country!

I had twenty-four hours up in the high country on the weekend. The sky was blue, the blossom was pink and frothy, the wattle golden and gorgeous, and the snow was magnificent.

Now it is back to the deadline and trying to get Picture Perfect Wedding finished amidst a busy week. Argh! So I am leaving you with this photo which shows how glorious Victoria in the spring truly is. Hope you get some inspiration from it!

Fiona x